Friday, 16 March 2012

Hot Pics: This weeks top e-mailed home improvement images

This picture was sent in by David from New York! His flat has a very modern feel to it and I love the contrast between white and slate grey going on. Those side chairs keep the place clean and minimalistic whilst the sofa brings in a sort of warmth.

This set up seems perfect for a flat especially in a highly popuated city such as New York. I can't help but feel David needs a bigger television on his wall though ! :P (he is in the process of buying one) :D.

Liz (London)

This image is from Liz who lives in London. I love the conservatory and the contrast of wood, stone and glass - which seems to be a top pick amongst mills turned into flat blocks nowadays (which I love).

It seems to be a very modern house however I am assured that the inside has a more traditional feel to it! Thank you Liz :D

Jessica (Sydney, Australia)

My last pick of this weeks Hot Pics is from Jessica from Sydney, Australia! I chose this because I love the marble and granit going on and the tiled floor adds to that 'cool' feel which you most definately need in Australias heat. It also features an anti pest scent which has been burned into all cuboards as to deter any dangerous spiders (yuck I hate them) from getting in. Thank you Jessica :D

And so that is it, If your picture didn't make it tough luck - haha, just kidding. You'll have your day :D all your images are kept and so if for example one week I do not like any images then I could choose yours :D.

Do you like these Hot Pics? If not why? Feel free to comment and leave me your opinions ! View full post on Home Improvement

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