Royal Wedding Redux
The time Diana stepped out of your glass That fairy-coach on her wedding morning with endless yards of silk train with her ??magically materializing - Expressed as the gown designers, "like seeing a butterfly emerge from Chrysalis ITS - She HAD us hook, line and sinker. Princess Diana DID invent our note Fascination with royalty, however ushered in her wedding ... A Whole new ballgame and never WAS the world Quite the same.
As the first worldwide media spectacular, and probably the Defining Event of the eighties (a decade in Which style trumped substance Often it) the Glittering Event Brought back in style weddings ceremony Almost overnight. It Resurrected the bridal industry from the social upheavals of the previous Two decades and the peace for a new set of fancy wedding hoopla was: developed designer gowns, staged over-the-top productions, Martha Stewart refined details, and the wedding as the "printed consumer. "(Sound familiar?)
As the first worldwide media spectacular, and probably the Defining Event of the eighties (a decade in Which style trumped substance Often it) the Glittering Event Brought back in style weddings ceremony Almost overnight. It Resurrected the bridal industry from the social upheavals of the previous Two decades and the peace for a new set of fancy wedding hoopla was: developed designer gowns, staged over-the-top productions, Martha Stewart refined details, and the wedding as the "printed consumer. "(Sound familiar?)
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